Still, I knew if I developed my survivor’s firearm level, I’d be able to handle the recoil better. Deep Silver has successfully fixed the aim and I was surprised at how easy it was to aim and shoot at my target. One of my major complaints in the original Dead Island, was that the aim for firearms made you feel like you were shooting into thin air with hopes that it would hit something… ANYTHING, so your efforts wouldn’t be wasted. The pop-ups provide a mini-tutorial and explains the games interface, which serves as a guide for new survivors and DI veterans in case you need a refresher. It starts off with a recap of what happened on Banoi and what lead them to their helicopter ride, that they thought would grant them freedom. Gameplay: DI: Riptide doesn’t throw you into the game, assuming that you know what happened when they left Banoi. The more you use firearms, the better you will be at handling them! The option to choose to develop your character’s confidence in using other weapon types, makes your growth in Dead Island more customized to your taste! Though your chosen character has a predetermined weapon specialty (Purna: Firearms, Sam B:blunt weapons, Xian: blades, Logan:throwing weapons and John: Hand-to-Hand combat), the more you use objects outside of your comfort zone, the more efficient you become with those types of weapons! For example, as Xian, you will have ample time to level up within your blade/knives specialty, (you encounter blades and blunt weapons the most) but you will also have more opportunities within the game to use firearms (and other weapon types, of course). The undead match up close or to your level no matter how you choose to start your journey in Dead Island, whether from scratch or save file. You won’t have the extra 15 points, but all the skills that you worked hard for, transfer right over into the new game. One feature that was greatly appreciated, was the ability to import my old save file into the game. There are 3 pre-defined skill sets that will divide most of your points to whatever you feel is most important or you can choose to divvy up the points yourself essentially, this means you start the game at level 15. What makes Dead Island:Riptide so great, is the little nuances you can tell Deep Silver did what they could to tweak and add to DI:Riptide to make it a better experience for newcomers and their fans.Ĭharacter Development: Unlike the original Dead Island, Dead Island: Riptide gives you 14 skill points off the bat to distribute among your Fury, Combat and Survival skill trees. The story continues as Purna, Logan, Sam B, Xian and newcomer John, reach the island of Palanai and shack up with a group of survivors that need help defending their bunker from the undead and of course Dead Island’s signature missions to help your group escape from Palanai.